The imagery process and our last spring 2022 program, for Hewlett-Woodmere Library, presented along with the Isadora Duncan works which seeded much of the choreography in the work
Background Imagery, with MAE at Philadelphia Fringe Festival (originally used as in-progress for the 2022 live performances, Fringe festival performance was produced by Cannonball Festival, and performed without the imagery on October 16, 2021 )
Morning 1 25 with MAE at Fringe with new background imagery, in progress
•Afternoon overlaid over the background images (originally used as in-progress for the performances)
Evening part 1 overlaid over the background images (originally used as in-progress for the performances)
From Interdisciplinary Movement Art for 2022 from Gold Hall, Hewlett Woodmere Library performance April 10 2022 video by Anthony Pepitone
The Duncan Dances that seed the choreography in MAE