This form is the sign-up request form for your 4-period elective in the Junior year.
As you consider your elective options, please keep the following in mind:
• AP courses are college-level courses, the most rigorous level taught at Ramaz. Students who take these courses are expected to take the official AP exam in May as their final exam for the course.
• Requests to join an AP course are subject to department approval.
• Consider the overall rigor/challenge in your high school curriculum; students who take mostly accelerated or honors general studies courses should either continue with a world language or consider an AP course.
• Students in mostly regular-level courses or a mix of regular and accelerated courses should consider whether adding an AP course would be too heavy a course load.
• Consider options that align with your overall academic interests and future studies.
• You must Rank ALL courses in order of your preference. DO NOT Rank any choices with the same rank.
Although we cannot guarantee you will receive your first-choice selection, we do our best to place students in a highly-ranked course.
College advisors will be available next week during your 6th period lunch to answer your individual questions.This form is the sign-up request form for your 4-period elective in the Junior year.